Mewtwo ex Deck
Mewtwo ex is a Pokémon TCG Pocket deck archetype from the Triumphant Light set. The deck is currently in N/A and includes cards such as Mewtwo ex (A1 #129) and Gardevoir (A1 #132).
Mewtwo ex is a Pokémon TCG Pocket deck archetype from the Triumphant Light set. The deck is currently in N/A and includes cards such as Mewtwo ex (A1 #129), Gardevoir (A1 #132), and .

Deck Guide

The goal of this deck is to use Mewtwo ex's powerful Psydrive attack for 150 damage as many times as possible. Usually you can only do this every two turns, but Gardevoir's Psy Shadow ability allows you to ramp Mewtwo up to four energy sooner and keep it ready to attack again the next turn.

Start with a Mewtwo or Mew ex in your Active spot if possible to protect your Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir evolution line while you dig through your deck with Poké Balls, Professor's Research and Mythical Slab.

Deck Guide is not available for this deck.

Mewtwo ex Matchups