Pikachu ex Deck
Pikachu ex is a Pokémon TCG Pocket deck archetype currently in Tier C. The deck includes cards such as Pikachu ex (A1 #96) and Pachirisu ex (A2 #51).
Pikachu ex is a Pokémon TCG Pocket deck archetype currently in Tier C. The deck includes cards such as Pikachu ex (A1 #96), Pachirisu ex (A2 #51), and Zapdos (A1 #103).

Deck Guide

Your goal with this deck is to have a full Bench to maximize your Pikachu ex's Circle Cirtuit attack and start dealing 90 damage with only 2 energy as soon as possible.

Since Pikachu ex only has 120 HP, you can play Zapdos ex in your active spot at the beginning of the game to absorb some early damage while you fill up your Bench and prepare Pikachu for attacking.

Pachirisu ex and Rotom can also serve a similar purpose of dealing high damage with low energy if you are able to draw your Giant Capes or Rocky Helmets.

Deck Guide is not available for this deck.

Pikachu ex Matchups